Production date
Time period
Geographical coverage
Methodologies used for data collection and processing
Period of collection
Data collectors
Data quality
General references
None of the Whipple estimates of the modestly sized literature entered
the data set unchanged, three general references which should be cited
(because they reflect most of the literature) are
A’Hearn Baten Crayen 2009: Brian A’Hearn, Joerg Baten and Dorothee
Crayen: “Quantifying Quantitative Literacy: Age Heaping and the
History of Human Capital”. Journal of Economic History 69-3 (Sept
2009), pp.783-808.
Crayen Baten 2010: Crayen, D., and Baten, J. (2010). Global Trends in
Numeracy 1820-1949 and its Implications for Long-Run Growth.
Explorations in Economic History, 47(1): 82-99.
Prayon and Baten (2013): Valeria Prayon and Joerg Baten: “Human
Capital, Institutions, Settler Mortality, and Economic Growth in Africa,
Asia and the Americas”. Working Paper Univ. Tuebingen 2013.
But as the underlying age data comes from a variety of sources, here is
the complete list:
(we first reported authors and year; then author with first name;
finally title)
A’Hearn Baten Crayen 2009: Brian A’Hearn, Joerg Baten and Dorothee
Crayen: “Quantifying Quantitative Literacy: Age Heaping and the
History of Human Capital”. Journal of Economic History 69-3 (Sept
2009), pp.783-808.
Argentina 1869: Argentina, National census data of 1869, published in
Somoza, J., Lattes, A., 1967. Muestras de los dos primeros censos
nacionales de población, 1869 y 1895. Documento de Trabajo No 46,
Instituto T. Di Tella, CIS, Buenos Aires
Argentina 1895: National census data of 1869 and 1895, published in
Somoza, J., Lattes, A., 1967. Muestras de los dos primeros censos
nacionales de población, 1869 y 1895. Documento de Trabajo No 46,
Instituto T. Di Tella, CIS, Buenos Aires
Baten Sohn 2013: Baten, J and Kitae Sohn: “Back to the ‘Normal’
Level of Human-Capital Driven Growth? A Note on Early Numeracy in Korea,
China and Japan, 1550–1800”, University of Tübingen Working Papers
in economics and finance, No. 52
Baten Fourie 2013: Baten, J, and Johan Fourie “Numeracy in the 18th
Century Indian Ocean Region”): ERSA Working Paper No. 270 (2013)
Baten Ma Morgan Wang 2010: Baten, J., Debin Ma, Stephen Morgan and Qing
Wang (2010) “Evolution of Living Standards and Human Capital in China
in the 18-20th Centuries: Evidences from Real Wages, Age-heaping, and
Anthropometrics”, Explorations in Economic History 47-3: 347-359
Brazil 1970: VIII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de
Cairo 1848: see Ghanem 2012
Canada 1852 and 1881: Historical Censuses of Canada (Canada East, Canada
West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia). Université de Montréal,
Costa Rica 1927: Censo 1927: “Censo de Población de 1927” (online)
Centro Centroamreicano de Población (CCP), HYPERLINK
http://ccp.ucr.ac.cr/bvp/censos/1927/index.html (assessed on
Crayen Baten 2010: Crayen, D., and Baten, J. (2010). Global Trends in
Numeracy 1820-1949 and its Implications for Long-Run Growth.
Explorations in Economic History, 47(1): 82-99.
DHS: Demographic and Health Surveys, various countries (abbreviated with
2-char ISO code) and years. HYPERLINK "http://www.measuredhs.com"
www.measuredhs.com last accessed 131226
Eberhardt 2010: Eberhart, Helmut et al. (2010), Preliminary dataset
“Albanische Volkszaehlung von 1918”, entstanden an der
Karl-Franzens-Universita¨t Graz unter Mitarbeit von Helmut Eberhart,
Karl Kaser, Siegfried Gruber, Gentiana Kera, Enriketa Papa-Pandelejmoni
und finanziert durch Mittel des Oesterreichischen Fonds zur Foerderung
der wissenschaftlichen Forschung; (FWF).
Egypt 1848: Census of Cairo,
Egypt 1907: Census of Egypt: The Statistical Department of the Ministry
of Finance Egypt, 1907. Statistical yearbook of Egypt. 3rd census of
Egypt 1905. Cairo, The Government Press;
HYPERLINK "http://www.familysearch.org" www.familysearch.org :
Mortality registers of Sweden, last accessed 131226
Grether 2012: Grether, Kathrin (2012), Langfristige
Humankapitalentwicklung auf den Philippinen im international Vergleich.
Unpubl. BA Thesis Univ. Tuebingen
Gruber undated: Siegfried Gruber, Friendly communication, who collected
visitation data on a number of Serbian villages. Siegfried Gruber,
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Centre for Southeast European History,
Project ‘‘Kinship and Social; Security”
Guettler 2011: Guettler, Sabine (2011), Verbreitung der
Bildungsinnovationen in Peru und Ecuador im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert,
Unpubl. Diploma Thesis Univ. Tuebingen
Habsburg 1880: Austro-Hungarian census of 1880, published as
Österreichische Statistik, Band 1, Heft 1–3, Band 2, Heft 1–2 and
Band 5, Heft 3, 1882–1884. The evidence covers Austria, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. We
merged Austrian, Russian, and German regional statistics to obtain
weighed averages for the modern territories of Ukraine and Poland.
Hippe Baten 2012: Hippe, R. and Baten, J. (2012) “The Early Regional
Development of Human Capital in Europe, 1790 – 1880, Scandinavian
Economic History Review, 60, Number 3, 1 November 2012 , pp. 254-289
India 1881-1921: 1891-1921 (Census of India, 1891 (Bombay, Madras,
North-Western Provinces) Indian Empire Census of 1891, 1901, 1911 and
1921. The Superintendent of Government Printing India, Calcutta;
IPUMS: Ruggles Alexander Genadek Goeken Schroeder Sobek 2010: Ruggles,
S., Alexander, J.T., Genadek, K., Goeken, R., Schroeder, M.B., and
Sobek, M. (2010). Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0
[Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
Japan 1882: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 1882. First
Statistical Yearbook of the Japan Empire. Population statistics of the
Province of Kai 1879 (today’s Yamamashu Prefecture). Government
Publications, Tokyo;
Juif Baten 2013: Juif, D.-T., Baten, J. (2013). “On the Human Capital
of ‘Inca’ Indios before and after the Spanish Conquest. Was there a
“Pre-Colonial Legacy”?”,Explorations in Economic History 50-2
(2013), pp. 227-41. Older version: Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics
and Finance 27.
Manzel 2009: Kerstin Manzel 2009. Essays on Human Capital Development in
Latin America and Spain, Dissertation, Univ. Tuebingen
Manzel Baten and Stolz 2012: Manzel, K., Baten, J. and Stolz, Y. (2012)
“Convergence and Divergence of Numeracy: The Development of Age
Heaping in Latin America, 17th to 20th Century”, Economic History
Review 65, 3 (2012), pp. 932–960. Detailed sources are listed in their
online appendix p.4/5
Manzel Baten 2009: Manzel, K. and Baten, J. (2009). Gender Equality and
Inequality in Numeracy: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean,
1880-1949. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History,
27(1): 37-74.
Matic 2010: Matic, E. (2010). Die Humankapitalentwicklung in Bulgarien
und Bosnien im 19./20. Jahrhundert. Unveröff. Bachelor-Arbeit
Universität Tübingen.
Meinzer 2013: Meinzer, Nicholas (2013) “The selectivity of migrants to
Australia: a new methodological approach”. Unpubl. Master thesis Univ.
Pertschy 2012: Pertschy, Robert (2012), Regionale Unterschiede der
langfristigen Humankapitalentwicklung in Chile im 19. Jahrhundert.
Unpubl. BA Thesis Univ. Tuebingen;
Rothenbacher 2002: Rothenbacher, F. (2002). The European Population
1850-1945. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Russia 1959 and 1970: Demoskop Weekly (2001). ėlektronnaja versija
bjulletenja Naselenie i obščestvo. Institut Demografii
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Vysšej Školy Ėkonomiki, Moskva.
Russian 1897: Russian Empire: First General Russian Empire Census of
Schneider 2011: Schneider, Christian (2011), Das Humankapital in den
Regionen Ecuadors, Unpubl. Diploma Thesis Univ. Tuebingen
Starbatty 2011: Starbatty, Peter (2011). Humankapitalentwicklung im
Osmanischen Reich 1760-1810. Regionale und ethnische Unterschiede.
Unpubl. BA Thesis Univ. Tuebingen.
Stolz Baten Botelho 2013: Stolz, Yvonne, Baten, J. and Botelho, T.
"Growth effects of 19th century mass migrations: “Fome Zero” for
Brazil?" European Review of Economic History 17-1 (2013), pp. 95-121.
Older version: Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance 20
Stolz Baten Reis 2013: Stolz, Yvonne, Baten, J. and Jaime Reis,
“Portuguese Living Standards 1720-1980 in European Comparison –
Heights, Income and Human Capital”, Economic History Review 66-2
(2013), pp. 545-578
United Kingdom 1851: Anderson, M. et al., 1979. National sample from the
1851 census of Great Britain [computer file]. Supplied by History Data
Service, UK Data Archive (SN: 1316). Colchester, Essex; Schuerer, K.,
Woollard, M., 2002.
United Kingdom 1881: National sample from the 1881 census of Great
Britain [computer file]. Supplied by History Data Service, UK Data
Archive (SN: 4375). Colchester, Essex;
UNDYB various years: United Nations, Department of International
Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office (various issues).
Demographic Yearbook. New York: United Nations.
United States 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900: Ruggles, S., Alexander,
J.T., Genadek, K., Goeken, R., Schroeder, M.B., and Sobek, M. (2010).
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable
database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
The titles cited above were used for the following countries and year:
Country From (or only birth decade) To Source (see above)
Austria 1620
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 17th C
Austria 1710 1790 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Austria 1770
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 18th C
Austria 1800
Habsburg 1880
Austria 1810 1880 Rothenbacher 2002
Belgium 1720
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 18th C
Belgium 1760 1890 Rothenbacher 2002
France 1670
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009
France 1720 1790 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
France 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
France 1800 1900 Rothenbacher 2002
Germany 1830 1900 Rothenbacher 2002
Germany 1910
Germany 1710 1790 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Germany 1800
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 19th C
Germany 1620
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, protestant part of Germany, refers to early
17th C
Germany 1670
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, protestant part of Germany, refers to late
17th C
Germany 1500
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 15th C Wuerttemberg
Luxembourg 1810 1870 Rothenbacher 2002
Netherlands 1770 1880 Rothenbacher 2002
Netherlands 1500
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 15th C
Switzerland 1720
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 18th C
Switzerland 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
Switzerland 1780 1890 Rothenbacher 2002
Switzerland 1620
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 17th C
Denmark 1710 1770 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Denmark 1790 1890 Rothenbacher 2002
Estonia 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Estonia 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Finland 1800 1890 Rothenbacher 2002
Finland 1960
1990 UNDYB
Finland 1900 1950 1985 UNDYB
Iceland 1820 1900 Rothenbacher 2002
Ireland 1800
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009
Ireland 1780 1790 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Ireland 1840 1890 Rothenbacher 2002
Ireland 1900 1950 1979 UNDYB
Ireland 1960
1991 UNDYB
Latvia 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Latvia 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Lithuania 1950 1960 1989 UNDYB
Lithuania 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Lithuania 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Norway 1800
Rothenbacher 2002
Norway 1810 1870 Norway 1861-1900
Norway 1900 1950 1980 UNDYB
Norway 1770
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 18th C
Norway 1960
1990 UNDYB
Sweden 1650
Calculated based on feath registers from familysearch.org (probably
downward bias)
Sweden 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Sweden 1800 1900 Rothenbacher 2002
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1930 1960 1991
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1810 1820 United
Kingdom 1851
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1780 1790 Stolz
Baten Reis 2013
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1620
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 17th C
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1800 1900
Rothenbacher 2002
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1770
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 18th C
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1910 1920 1951
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1720
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 18th C
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1840 1850 United
Kingdom 1881
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Croatia 1800 1850 Habsburg 1880
Greece 1870 1920 UNDYB
Italy 1720 1770 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Italy 1790 1900 Rothenbacher 2002
Italy 1520
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009
Malta 1870 1920 UNDYB
Portugal 1620
Juif Baten 2013, refers to early 17th C
Portugal 1720 1790 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Portugal 1520
Juif Baten 2013, refers to early 16th C
Portugal 1670
Juif Baten 2013, refers to late 17th C
Portugal 1570
Juif Baten 2013, refers to late 16th C
Portugal 1860 1910 Rothenbacher 2002
Slovenia 1810 1850 Habsburg 1880
Slovenia 1910 1960 1989 UNDYB
Spain 1710 1720 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Spain 1620
Juif Baten 2013, refers to early 17th C
Spain 1570
Juif Baten 2013, refers to late 16th C
Spain 1670
Juif Baten 2013, refers to late 17th C
Spain 1830 1940 Crayen and Baten 2010
Spain 1520
Juif Baten 2013, refers to early 16th C
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1910 1960 1994 UNDYB
Belarus 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Belarus 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Bulgaria 1890 1940 1970 UNDYB
Czech Republic 1800
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 19th C
Czech Republic 1840 1900 Rothenbacher 2002
Czech Republic 1720
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 18th C
Czech Republic 1810 1830 Habsburg 1880
Czech Republic 1770
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 18th C
Czech Republic 1620
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 17th C
Czechoslovakia (until 1993) 1810 1830 Habsburg 1880
Czechoslovakia (until 1993) 1790 1800 Crayen and Baten 2010; Gruber
Hungary 1800 1840 Habsburg 1880
Hungary 1930 1960 1990 UNDYB
Hungary 1720 1760 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Hungary 1670 1770 A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009
Hungary 1870 1920 Rothenbacher 2002
Poland 1900 1950 1978 UNDYB
Poland 1800
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 19th C
Poland 1870 1890 Rothenbacher 2002
Poland 1770
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 18th C
Poland 1820 1860 Russia 1897, Hippe and Baten 2012
Republic of Moldova 1950 1960 1989 UNDYB
Republic of Moldova 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Republic of Moldova 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Romania 1880 1930 1966 UNDYB
Romania 1950 1960 1992 UNDYB
Romania 1940
1970 UNDYB
Romania 1800 1840 Habsburg 1880
Russian Federation 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Russian Federation 1800
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to early 19th C
Russian Federation 1950 1960 1989 UNDYB
Russian Federation 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Russian Federation 1720 1760 Stolz Baten Reis 2013
Russian Federation 1670
A'Hearn Baten Crayen 2009, refers to late 17th C
Slovakia 1800 1840 Habsburg 1880
Ukraine 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Ukraine 1800 1810 Habsburg 1880
Ukraine 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Bermuda 1950 1960 1991 UNDYB
Bermuda 1930 1940 1970 UNDYB
Bermuda 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Canada 1960
1991 UNDYB
Canada 1900 1950 1971 UNDYB
Canada 1810 1850 Canada 1852 and 1881
Canada 1890
1976 UNDYB
Canada 1780 1800 Historical Census of Canada 1852
Greenland 1930
1965 UNDYB
Greenland 1870 1920 1951 UNDYB
United States of America 1890 1920 1950 UNDYB
United States of America 1930 1950 1980 UNDYB
United States of America 1770 1800 Ruggles et al. 2010
United States of America 1810 1880 IPUMS
United States of America 1960
1990 UNDYB
Aruba 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Bahamas 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
Barbados 1860 1910 UNDYB
British Virgin Islands 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Cayman Islands 1920 1970 1998 UNDYB
Cuba 1900 1950 1981 UNDYB
Dominican Republic 1930 1940 Manzel Baten 2009
Dominican Republic 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Grenada 1860 1910 UNDYB
Guadeloupe 1880 1930 1967 UNDYB
Haiti 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Haiti 1930 1940 UNDYB
Jamaica 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Martinique 1880 1930 1967 UNDYB
Martinique 1940 1960 1990 UNDYB
Netherlands Antilles (until 2010) 1910 1960 1992 UNDYB
Puerto Rico 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Puerto Rico 1930 1960 1990 UNDYB
Saint Lucia 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Trinidad and Tobago 1860 1910 1946 UNDYB
Belize 1860 1910 1950 UNDYB
Costa Rica 1940
Costa Rica 1840 1890 CostaRica 1927
Costa Rica 1900 1930 1963 UNDYB
El Salvador 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
El Salvador 1930 1940 Manzel Baten 2009
Guatemala 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Honduras 1890 1940 1974 UNDYB
Mexico 1870 1900 Manzel, Baten and Stolz 2012
Mexico 1680 1800 Manzel Baten Stolz 2012
Mexico 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
Nicaragua 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Nicaragua 1930
1963 UNDYB
Nicaragua 1940
Panama 1950
1980 UNDYB
Panama 1960
1990 UNDYB
Panama 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Panama 1930
1960 UNDYB
Argentina 1680 1790 Manzel Baten Stolz 2012
Argentina 1810 1860 Manzel, Baten and Stolz 2012
Argentina 1900 1950 1980 UNDYB
Argentina 1870 1880 Argentina 1914
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1950 1960 1992 UNDYB
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1870 1880 UNDYB
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1890 1940 1976 UNDYB
Brazil 1830 1890 Stolz, Baten and Botelho 2013
Brazil 1810 1820 Manzel, Baten and Stolz 2012
Brazil 1900 1920 UNDYB
Brazil 1770 1800 Stolz/Baten/Bothelho
Chile 1890 1940 UNDYB
Colombia 1810 1840 Manzel, Baten and Stolz 2012
Colombia 1940 1950 1985 UNDYB
Colombia 1880 1930 1964 UNDYB
Ecuador 1810 1840 Manzel Baten Stolz 2012
Ecuador 1870 1880 UNDYB
Ecuador 1890 1940 1974 UNDYB
Ecuador 1790 1800 Manzel Baten Stolz 2012; Schneider 2011
Ecuador 1950 1960 1990 UNDYB
French Guiana 1880 1930 1967 UNDYB
Guyana 1860 1910 UNDYB
Paraguay 1880 1930 UNDYB
Peru 1860 1910 Manzel, Baten and Stolz 2012
Suriname 1880 1930 1964 UNDYB
Uruguay 1780 1800 Manzel Baten Stolz 2012
Uruguay 1940
1975 UNDYB
Uruguay 1880 1930 1963 UNDYB
Uruguay 1810 1840 Manzel, Baten and Stolz 2012
Uruguay 1950
1985 UNDYB
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1770 1790 Manzel Baten Stolz 2012
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1930 1940 Manzel Baten 2009
Australia 1920 1960 1991 UNDYB
Australia 1860 1910 1947 UNDYB
New Zealand 1860 1910 1945 UNDYB
New Zealand 1960
1991 UNDYB
New Zealand 1920 1930 1961 UNDYB
New Zealand 1940 1950 1986 UNDYB
Fiji 1920 1930 1966 UNDYB
Fiji 1860 1910 1946 UNDYB
Fiji 1940 1950 1986 UNDYB
Vanuatu 1910 1960 1989 UNDYB
Guam 1920 1970 2000 UNDYB
Marshall Islands 1910 1960 1988 UNDYB
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1950 1970 1999 UNDYB
Cook Islands 1910 1960 1996 UNDYB
French Polynesia 1900 1950 1986 UNDYB
Tonga 1900 1950 1986 UNDYB
Afghanistan 1900 1950 1979 UNDYB
Bangladesh 1900 1940 1974 UNDYB
India 1900 1940 UNDYB
India 1830 1890 India 1881-1921
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1880 1930 UNDYB
Maldives 1940 1950 1985 UNDYB
Maldives 1880 1930 1967 UNDYB
Nepal 1900 1950 UNDYB
Pakistan 1900 1940 Pakistan 1973
Sri Lanka 1860 1950 UNDYB
China 1900
China 1670 1770 Baten Sohn 2013
China 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
China 1820 1890 Baten et al. 2010
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 1940 1950 1986 UNDYB
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 1960
1991 UNDYB
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 1880 1930 1961 UNDYB
China, Macao Special Administrative Region 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Japan 1890
Japan 1900 1950 1985 UNDYB
Japan 1800
Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 1882
Japan 1590
Baten Sohn 2013
Japan 1960
1990 UNDYB
Japan 1810 1880 Japan 1882
Mongolia 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
Republic of Korea 1930
1960 UNDYB
Republic of Korea 1870 1920 1955 UNDYB
Republic of Korea 1940 1950 1980 UNDYB
Republic of Korea 1960
1990 UNDYB
Cyprus 1920 1960 1992 UNDYB
Brunei Darussalam 1950
1981 UNDYB
Brunei Darussalam 1890 1940 1971 UNDYB
Cyprus 1860 1910 1946 UNDYB
Cambodia 1880 1930 1962 UNDYB
Indonesia (until 1999) 1860 1890 Crayen and Baten 2010
Indonesia (until 1999) 1900 1950 UNDYB
Malaysia 1870 1930 Crayen and Baten 2010
Myanmar 1840 1870 India 1881-1921
Philippines 1870 1920 1948 UNDYB
Philippines 1930
1960 UNDYB
Singapore 1920 1970 2000 UNDYB
Thailand 1860 1910 1947 UNDYB
Thailand 1920 1930 UNDYB
Viet Nam 1910 1960 1989 UNDYB
Armenia 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Armenia 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Azerbaijan 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Azerbaijan 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Bahrain 1890 1940 1971 UNDYB
Bahrain 1960
1991 UNDYB
Bahrain 1970
2001 UNDYB
Bahrain 1950
1981 UNDYB
Georgia 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Georgia 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Iraq 1880 1930 UNDYB
Israel 1870 1920 UNDYB
Kuwait 1880 1930 1970 UNDYB
Occupied Palestinian Territory 1910 1960 1991 UNDYB
Qatar 1900
1986 UNDYB
Syrian Arab Republic 1890 1940 UNDYB
Turkey 1870 1920 1950 UNDYB
Turkey 1950 1960 1990 UNDYB
Turkey 1930
1965 UNDYB
Turkey 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Yemen 1940 1960 1991ye DHS
Kazakhstan 1950 1960 1989 UNDYB
Kazakhstan 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Kazakhstan 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Kyrgyzstan 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Kyrgyzstan 1950 1960 1989 UNDYB
Kyrgyzstan 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Tajikistan 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Tajikistan 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Turkmenistan 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Turkmenistan 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Uzbekistan 1820 1860 Russia 1897
Uzbekistan 1880 1940 Russia 1959 1970
Algeria 1890 1930 1966 UNDYB
Egypt 1810 1820 Egypt 1848
Egypt 1830 1860 Egypt 1907
Egypt 1870 1910 1947 UNDYB
Egypt 1770 1800 Census of Cairo 1848; Ghanem 2012
Libya 1890 1940 UNDYB
Morocco 1880 1930 1960 UNDYB
Tunisia 1880 1930 1966 UNDYB
Benin 1900 1950 1979 UNDYB
Burkina Faso 1900 1950 1985 UNDYB
Cape Verde 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
Cote d'Ivoire 1910 1960 1988 UNDYB
Gambia 1890 1940 UNDYB
Ghana 1880 1940 UNDYB
Guinea-Bissau 1870 1920 UNDYB
Liberia 1890 1930 1962 UNDYB
Liberia 1940
1974 UNDYB
Mali 1890 1940 1976 UNDYB
Niger 1940 1960 1991ne DHS
Nigeria 1880 1930 1963 UNDYB
Saint Helena 1900 1950 1987 UNDYB
Togo 1880 1940 UNDYB
Cameroon 1890 1940 1976 UNDYB
Central African Republic 1900 1940 1975 UNDYB
Chad 1940 1960 1997td DHS
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1900 1950 1985 UNDYB
Gabon 1950 1970 2000ga DHS
Botswana 1940 1960 1991 UNDYB
Botswana 1880 1930 1964 UNDYB
South Africa 1860 1910 1950 UNDYB
South Africa 1920 1950 1980 UNDYB
Swaziland 1940 1950 1986 UNDYB
Swaziland 1880 1930 1966 UNDYB
Burundi 1910 1960 1990 UNDYB
Ethiopia (from 1993) 1940 1960 1992et DHS
Kenya 1940 1950 1979 UNDYB
Kenya 1960
1989 UNDYB
Kenya 1880 1930 1962 UNDYB
Madagascar 1890 1940 UNDYB
Mauritius 1890 1940 1970 UNDYB
Réunion 1910 1960 1988 UNDYB
Uganda 1950 1960 1991 UNDYB
Uganda 1890 1940 1969 UNDYB
United Republic of Tanzania 1880 1930 1967 UNDYB
Zambia 1890 1940 UNDYB
Zimbabwe 1940 1960 1994zw DHS
This following is an excerpt of the papers by A’Hearn et al. (2009),
on the pre-1800 estimates (especially those referring to half centuries)
and Prayon/Baten (2013), on the post-1800 estimates. For the citation of
A’Hearn et al. see above.
On the pre-1800 part
As signature ability can proxy for literacy, so accuracy of age
reporting can proxy for numeracy, and for human capital more generally.
A society in which individuals know their age only approximately is a
society in which life is not governed by the calendar and the clock but
by the seasonal cycle; in which birth dates are not recorded by families
or authorities; in which few individuals must document their age in
connection with privileges (voting, office-holding, marriage, holy
orders) or obligations (military service, taxation); in which
individuals who do know their birth year struggle to accurately
calculate their age from the current year. Approximation in age
awareness manifests itself in the phenomenon of “heaping” in
self-reported age data. Individuals lacking certain knowledge of their
age rarely state this openly, but choose instead a figure they deem
plausible. They do not choose randomly, but have a systematic tendency
to prefer “attractive” numbers, such as those ending in 5 or 0, even
numbers, or - in some societies - numbers with other specific terminal
digits. Such “age heaping” can be assessed in a wide range of
sources: census returns, tombstones, necrologies, muster lists, legal
records, or tax data, for example. While care must be exercised in
ascertaining possible biases, such data are much more widely available
than signature rates and other proxies for human capital.
Age heaping is a well-known phenomenon among demographers, development
economists, and anthropologists. Already a half-century ago influential
studies by Roberto Bachi and Robert Myers investigated age heaping and
its inverse correlation with education levels within and across
countries. Myers later demonstrated a similar inverse correlation
between age awareness and income at the individual level as well. For
others, including epidemiologists, age heaping is a problem to be
solved, a source of distortion in age-specific vital rates. Zelnik, for
example, assessed age misreporting in the United States between the 1880
and 1950 censuses.
Meanwhile, historians have studied age heaping as a topic of interest in
its own right. In their landmark study of Florentine tax records from
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries David Herlihy and Christiane
Klapisch-Zuber document marked heaping on even numbers for children and
on multiples of five for adults, to a degree similar to that reported
for Egyptian census data in 1947. Age heaping diminished substantially
over successive tax enumerations from 1371 to 1470, and was more
prevalent among women, in rural areas and small towns, and among the
poor. Daniel Kaiser and Peyton Engel report similar age heaping levels
for early modern Russia. A well-known study is Richard Duncan-Jones’
analysis of grave monument inscriptions in twelve provinces of the Roman
Empire. He finds age heaping on multiples of five at rates not
dissimilar to those for medieval Tuscany or developing countries of the
1950s and ’60s and higher for women than men.
There has been little use of age heaping as an indicator of human
capital in the economic history literature. Joel Mokyr tests for
positive selection or “brain drain” in pre-famine Irish emigration
by comparing age heaping among migrants to the population at large.
Developing original measures of age heaping along the way, he finds no
support for the conventional wisdom that the best and brightest
emigrated. In other studies of Ireland, John Budd and Timothy Guinnane
report considerable heaping on multiples of five in the 1901 and 1911
censuses among the illiterate, the poor, and the aged; Cormac O’Grada,
among Dublin’s immigrant Jewish population. O’Grada interprets age
heaping as confirming that low Jewish literacy rates did not refer only
to the English language and, consequently, that their lower mortality
rate was the result of religious practices rather than education. For
Britain, Jason Long has assessed age heaping in linked samples from the
censuses of 1851 and 1881. A quarter of his 1851 school-aged children
reported ages in 1881 that were from two to five years different from
the expected 30 year increment. Countywide age heaping had a limited
impact on individual labor market outcomes, once other county
characteristics were controlled for, but individual age discrepancies
had a significant impact on socio-economic status, wages (10% higher for
0-discrepancy individuals), and the probability of rural-urban
To deploy age-heaping as a useful indicator of human capital, we require
a measure that allows us to track its variation over time and across
groups. We propose a variant of the well-known Whipple Index, which is
simple, robust, and easy to interpret. The Whipple Index is the ratio of
the observed frequency of ages ending in 0 or 5 to the frequency
predicted by assuming a uniform distribution of terminal digits (in
other words one fifth).
An index value of 500 would indicate perfect heaping on multiples of
five; a value of 100 no heaping at all; and a value of 0 perfect
“anti-heaping”. The notation in Equation 1 is meant to emphasize
that W must be defined over an interval in which each terminal digit
occurs an equal number of times, for example 30-39 or 23-72. The
prediction of equal terminal digit frequencies is what makes the Whipple
Index easy to calculate, but is also a source of inaccuracy. In a
typical population, frequencies decrease with age; in the interval 50-54
one would expect fewer 54 year olds than 50 year olds, even in the
absence of heaping. Restricting attention to intervals of (multiples of)
ten years helps mitigate this problem. A more obvious limitation of the
Whipple Index is that it can capture only heaping on multiples of five.
In practice, this is the overwhelmingly dominant form of heaping
observed for adults across a wide range of times and places in our data.
(Among children and adolescents even-heaping is common.)
In a separate study, we compare the statistical properties of the
Whipple Index with alternatives including measures proposed by Bachi,
Myers, and Mokyr. In simulation studies, the Whipple Index demonstrates
several advantages. First its mean is not scale dependent, meaning that
W can be compared across samples of widely varying size. Second, E(W)
increases linearly with heaping, again facilitating comparisons.
Finally, the coefficient of variation of W across random samples is
systematically lower than for the alternatives, at all sample sizes and
for all degrees of heaping. This leads to greater reliability in
correctly ranking samples according to the true extent of heaping in the
underlying populations. In this paper we employ a simple transformation
of the Whipple Index that can be interpreted as the share of individuals
that correctly report their age:
Note: this index was named in later publications ‘ABCC-Index’
On the post-1800 part
Based on the assumption that basic numerical skills are acquired during
the first decade of life, we calculate the ABCC index for birth cohorts.
Since mortality increases with higher ages, the frequencies of reported
ages ending in multiples of five would augment and lead to an
underestimation of the ABCC index. To overcome this problem, we spread
the final digits of 0 and 5 more evenly across the age ranges and define
the age-groups 23-32, 33-42, …, 73 to 82. In a second step, the
age-groups are assigned to the corresponding birth decades. In the case
that data overlap for one or several birth decades within a country
because more than one census was available for this country, we
calculated the arithmetic average of the indices. In the entire data
set, the birth decades range from the 1680s to the 1970s for some
countries, whereas for the majority of countries data are only available
for the birth decades from the 1870s to the 1940s for most individual
A major advantage of the age-heaping method is its consistent
calculation. This way, age-heaping results might be more easily
comparable across countries, whereas comparisons of literacy or
enrolment rates might be misleading due to significant measurement
differences or different school systems. Further, owing to usually high
drop-out rates in developing countries and heterogeneous teacher
quality, it can be argued that enrolment rates are less conclusive for
our goal as enrolment ratios are an input measure of human capital: Even
though a country might have high enrolment ratios, they do not permit
conclusions about the quality of education. Age-heaping on the other
hand is - like literacy - an output measure of human capital.
Recently, several studies confirmed a positive correlation between
age-heaping and other human capital indicators. In their global study on
age-heaping for the period 1880 to 1940, Crayen and Baten (2010a)
identified primary school enrolment as a main determinant of
age-heaping: an increase of enrolment rates led to a significant
decrease of the age-heaping level. A’Hearn, Baten, and Crayen (2009)
used a large U.S. census sample to perform a very detailed analysis of
the correlation between regional numeracy and literacy. Based on a
sample of 650,000 individuals from the 1850, 1870, and 1900 IPUMS U.S.
censuses, they found for the overall sample as well as for subsamples a
positive and statistically significant relationship between these two
human capital indicators. They also went back further in time and
studied the relationship of signature ability as a proxy for literacy
and age-heaping as a proxy for numeracy in early modern Europe. Here as
well they found a positive correlation between the two measures. In a
study on China, Baten et al. (2010) found a strong relationship between
the age-heaping and literacy among Chinese immigrants in the US born in
the 19th century. Additionally, Hippe (2011) examined systematically the
relationship of numeracy and literacy on the regional level in seven
European countries in the 19th century and in ten developing countries
in the 20th century. He found for each country separately a high
correlation between the two indicators.
Possible objections to the age-heaping method should be addressed here.
One concerns the uncertainty of what is actually being measured; is it
the age-awareness of the respondent during the interview or the
diligence of the reporting personnel? The other possible objection
relates to other forms of age-heaping, i.e., other patterns than the
heaping on multiples of five. Concerning the first objection, Crayen and
Baten (2010b) admit that the possibility of a potential bias always
exists if more than one person is involved in the creation of a
historical source. For example, if literacy is measured by analysing the
share of signatures in marriage contracts, there might have been priests
who were more or less interested in obtaining real signatures, as
opposed to just crosses or other symbols (Crayen and Baten (2010b:460)).
They argue, however, that the empirical findings in previous age-heaping
studies, namely that there is generally less numeracy among the lower
social strata and similar regional differences of age-heaping and
illiteracy, support their assumption that the age-awareness of the
respondent is captured and the bias of meticulous or inaccurate
reporting is negligible. A study by Scott and Sabagh (1970) supports the
assumption that it does not make a difference whether the individual or
the reporting personnel reports a rounded age if the true age is
unknown. They investigated the behaviour of canvassers during the
Moroccan Multi-Purpose Sample Survey of 1961-1963 and found that the
canvassers were indeed not free of reporting rounded ages of people that
did not know their age
Cattle per Capita 1500 [7456] 2010
Cropland per Capita 1500 [6226] 2010
Goats per Capita 1500 [7037] 2010
Pasture per Capita 1500 [5963] 2010
Pigs per Capita 1500 [6841] 2010
Sheep per Capita 1500 [6835] 2010
Total Cropland 1500 [6191] 2010
Total Number of Goats 1500 [7037] 2010
Total Number of Pigs 1500 [6841] 2010
Total Number of Sheep 1500 [6835] 2010
Total Pasture 1500 [5928] 2010
DemographyComposite Measure
of Wellbeing 1820 [3667] 2000
Female life Expectancy at Birth 1750 [1058] 2000
Global Extreme Poverty (CBN) 1820 [26069] 2018
Global Extreme Poverty (DAD) 1820 [26069] 2018
Global Hunger 1820 [27263] 2018
Infant Mortality 1810 [641] 2000
Life Expectancy at Birth (Total) 1543 [12863] 2012
Male life Expectancy at Birth 1750 [1058] 2000
Total Population 1500 [3221] 2000
Total Urban Population 1500 [1722] 2000
Urbanization Ratio 1500 [1051] 2000
EnvironmentBiodiversity - naturalness 1500 [6120] 2010
CO2 Emissions per Capita 1750 [1724] 2010
SO2 Emissions per Capita 1850 [2079] 2000
Total CO2 Emissions 1750 [16446] 2008
Total SO2 Emissions 1850 [2079] 2000
FinanceExchange Rates to UK Pound 1500 [15572] 2013
Exchange Rates to US Dollar 1500 [11765] 2013
Gold Standard 1800 [14359] 2010
Long-Term Government
Bond Yield 1727 [2849] 2011
Total Gross Central Government
Debt as a Percentage of GDP 1692 [7134] 2010
Gender Equality of Numeracy 1810 [1064] 1960
Gender Equality Years
of Education 1950 [140] 2000
Gender-equal Inheritance 1920 [78] 2000
Historical Gender Equality Index 1950 [6222] 2003
Share of Women in Parliament 1960 [1589] 2010
Human CapitalAverage Years of Education 1820 [1677] 2010
Book Titles per Capita 1500 [8191] 2009
Educational Inequality Gini
Coefficient 1850 [12631] 2010
Numeracy (Total) 1500 [1384] 1970
Universities Founded 1502 [1424] 2013
InstitutionsArmed Conflicts (Internal) 1500 [95198] 2000
Armed Conflicts (International) 1500 [95198] 2000
Competitiveness of Executive
Recruitment (XRCOMP) 1800 [14792] 2012
Competitiveness of Participations
(PARCOMP) 1800 [14792] 2012
Executive Constraints
(XCONST) 1800 [14792] 2012
Homicide Rates 1800 [6618] 2010
Latent Democracy Variable 1850 [7842] 2000
Openness of Executive
Recruitment (XROPEN) 1800 [14792] 2012
Political Competition 1810 [12762] 2000
Political Participation 1810 [12883] 2000
Polity2 Index 1800 [14593] 2012
Regulation of Chief Executive
Recruitment (XRREG) 1800 [14792] 2012
Number of Days Lost in
Labour Disputes 1927 [4531] 2013
Number of Labour Disputes 1927 [4808] 2013
Number of Workers Involved
in Labour Disputes 1927 [4651] 2013
Working week
in manufacturing 1800 [3974] 2008
GDP per Capita 1500 [17675] 2016
Social Spending 1820 [290] 2016
Prices and WagesIncome Inequality 1820 [866] 2000
Labourers Real Wage 1820 [5053] 2008
Wealth Decadal Ginis 1820 [225] 2010
Wealth Top10 percent share 1820 [225] 2010
Wealth Yearly Ginis 1820 [749] 2015
ProductionAluminium Production 1850 [11736] 2012
Bauxite Production 1880 [6384] 2012
Copper Production 1700 [19472] 2012
Gold Production 1681 [35855] 2012
Iron Ore Production 1820 [12738] 2012
Lead Production 1705 [12934] 2012
Manganese Production 1835 [8722] 2012
Nickel Production 1850 [5214] 2012
Silver Production 1681 [26892] 2012
Tin Production 1700 [13772] 2012
Anguilla[No Data]
Antigua and Barbuda1500 (5)-2013 (21)
Aruba[No Data]
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba[No Data]
British Virgin Islands[No Data]
Cayman Islands[No Data]
Curaçao[No Data]
Dominican Republic1500 (6)-2018 (39)
Guadeloupe[No Data]
Martinique[No Data]
Montserrat[No Data]
Puerto Rico[No Data]
Saint Kitts and Nevis1500 (5)-2010 (14)
Saint Martin (French part)[No Data]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1500 (5)-2010 (20)
Saint-Barthélemy[No Data]
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)[No Data]
Trinidad and Tobago1500 (5)-2018 (35)
Turks and Caicos Islands[No Data]
United States Virgin Islands[No Data] Central America
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1500 (8)-2018 (42)
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)[No Data]
French Guiana[No Data]
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)1500 (8)-2018 (40)
Northern AmericaBermuda[No Data]
Greenland[No Data]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon[No Data]
Turkmenistan1500 (16)-2016 (27)
Eastern AsiaChina, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region[No Data]
China, Macao Special Administrative Region[No Data]
Åland Islands[No Data]
Channel Islands[No Data]
Faeroe Islands[No Data]
Guernsey[No Data]
Isle of Man[No Data]
Jersey[No Data]
Sark[No Data]
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands[No Data]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1500 (20)-2018 (56)
Guam[No Data]
Marshall Islands1500 (4)-2010 (5)
Micronesia (Federated States of)1500 (2)-2013 (6)
Northern Mariana Islands[No Data]
American Samoa[No Data]
French Polynesia[No Data]
Niue[No Data]
Pitcairn[No Data]
Tokelau[No Data]
Wallis and Futuna Islands[No Data]
Åland Islands[No Data]
Channel Islands[No Data]
Faeroe Islands[No Data]
Gibraltar[No Data]
Greenland[No Data]
Guernsey[No Data]
Holy See[No Data]
Isle of Man[No Data]
Jersey[No Data]
Netherlands1500 (22)-2018 (43)
Sark[No Data]
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands[No Data]
Switzerland1500 (19)-2018 (44)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1500 (20)-2018 (56)
Anguilla[No Data]
Antigua and Barbuda1500 (5)-2013 (21)
Aruba[No Data]
Bermuda[No Data]
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1500 (8)-2018 (42)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba[No Data]
British Virgin Islands[No Data]
Cayman Islands[No Data]
Curaçao[No Data]
Dominican Republic1500 (6)-2018 (39)
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)[No Data]
French Guiana[No Data]
Guadeloupe[No Data]
Martinique[No Data]
Montserrat[No Data]
Puerto Rico[No Data]
Saint Kitts and Nevis1500 (5)-2010 (14)
Saint Martin (French part)[No Data]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon[No Data]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1500 (5)-2010 (20)
Saint-Barthélemy[No Data]
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)[No Data]
Trinidad and Tobago1500 (5)-2018 (35)
Turks and Caicos Islands[No Data]
United States Virgin Islands[No Data]
Afghanistan1500 (16)-2016 (28)
American Samoa[No Data]
Brunei Darussalam1500 (12)-2013 (19)
French Polynesia[No Data]
Guam[No Data]
Marshall Islands1500 (4)-2010 (5)
Micronesia (Federated States of)1500 (2)-2013 (6)
New Caledonia[No Data]
Niue[No Data]
Norfolk Island[No Data]
Northern Mariana Islands[No Data]
Philippines1500 (17)-2018 (46)
Pitcairn[No Data]
Solomon Islands1500 (11)-2018 (25)
Tokelau[No Data]
Wallis and Futuna Islands[No Data]
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region[No Data]
China, Macao Special Administrative Region[No Data]
Guinea-Bissau1500 (16)-2018 (31)
Mayotte[No Data]
Réunion[No Data]
Saint Helena[No Data]
Sao Tome and Principe1500 (14)-2016 (20)
Sierra Leone1500 (15)-2018 (36)
South Africa1500 (14)-2018 (49)
In 2010, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded a subsidy to the Clio Infra project, of which Jan Luiten van Zanden was the main applicant and which is hosted by the International Institute of Social History (IISH). Clio Infra has set up a number of interconnected databases containing worldwide data on social, economic, and institutional indicators for the past five centuries, with special attention to the past 200 years. These indicators allow research into long-term development of worldwide economic growth and inequality.
Global inequality is one of the key problems of the contemporary world. Some countries have (recently) become wealthy, other countries have remained poor. New theoretical developments in economics - such as new institutional economics, new economic geography, and new growth theory - and the rise of global economic and social history require such processes to be studied on a worldwide scale. Clio Infra provides datasets for the most important indicators. Economic and social historians from around the world have been working together in thematic collaboratories, in order to collect and share their knowledge concerning the relevant indicators of economic performance and its causes. The collected data have been standardized, harmonized, and stored for future use. New indicators to study inequality have been developed. The datasets are accessible through the Clio Infra portal which also offers possibilities for visualization of the data. Clio Infra offers the opportunity to greatly enhance our understanding of the origins, causes and character of the process of global inequality.
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